Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Public Service Announcement

There has been a new development regarding election year

politics and the corporate media. It should be noted,
first off, that Michael Powell, appointed chairman of
the FCC by the current administration, is a strong
proponent for the kind of media deregulation that has
allowed ClearChannel radio, for example, to gobble up
nearly a third of the nation's radio stations. In short,
the current administration is very friendly to large
media corporations that want to get even larger. Though
John Kerry has not mentioned media law as an issue,
chances are he is not quite so cozy with big media.

Sinclair Broadcasting, a company that owns 62 local
channels on a variety of networks (and reaches 25% of the
nation's electorate), has ordered

its stations to pre-empt their regular programming and
air an anti-Kerry documentary called "Stolen Honor,"
which was produced by some of those involved in the
Swiftboat Veterans for Truth group. You may remember
them for the controversial smear ad from which even Bush
distanced himself. Contrast this with Fahrenheit 9/11,
which had tremendous popular backing and buzz before it
hit the theaters - and still had to fight tooth and nail
to get a showing. "Stolen Honor" has come from nowhere
and now has a free ticket to ride on the public
airwaves, audience size and accessibility of which
Michael Moore can only dream.

There are pieces in the Washington Post, New York Times,
The Nation. Also MediaChannel.

Wanna do something?

Other Resources:
Media Reform
Media Ownership Links


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