9/11 Questions

I tend to think that 9/11 conspiracy theories have gotten a little out of control, though it is still a mystery why WTC building #7 went down when it wasn't struck by anything. In any case, there's a new film you can watch online that thankfully steers clear of much of that juvenile stuff and asks some very interesting questions about the investigation of 9/11. Of particular interest are the failure to capture Bin Laden or any of his cronies as well as the much documented Pakistani connection to funding and ordering of the attacks. If any country ought to be considered suspect in 9/11, it is Pakistan - not Afghanistan or Iraq - a number of luminaries including Sy Hersh assert. Instead, Pakistan is a close ally in the 'WoT.' In the film, the story is mainly told through the eyes of the survivors of those lost in the attack. It's quite good.
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